What is a PED Assessment?

A Complete Guide to the Pressure Equipment Directive




In today’s increasingly complex industrial world, regulations and directives are everywhere. If you’re part of a company that operates steam systems, one of the regulations you’ll have come across is the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED). 

The PED provides a benchmark for pressure equipment safety and a roadmap for regulatory compliance. It acts as a key regulator that harmonises and streamlines the design, manufacturing and conformity requirements of pressure equipment and assemblies. 

In short, it’s an essential directive for anyone that operates or manufactures pressure equipment. Its purpose is to set clear and consistent standards across industries that use pressure equipment

But, like many regulations, it’s not the easiest thing to get to grips with. At Spirax Sarco, we’ve got years of experience with the PED, and we’re here to help. We’ve put together a guide to the PED so you can start your journey to better understand it. Our guide covers everything from an overview of the directive to tips for ensuring compliance. 

Ready to get up to speed with PED? 

What is the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)? 

The Pressure Equipment Directive (Directive 2014/68/EU) is a directive issued by the European Union (EU) that sets out the standards for the design and fabrication of pressure equipment. This directive applies to pressure equipment such as vessels, piping, safety accessories, and pressure accessories with a maximum allowable pressure greater than 0.5 bar.

Examples of pressure equipment covered by the PED include: 

  • Buckling rods

  • Bursting discs

  • Controlled safety pressure relief systems

  • Control valves

  • Electric heaters

  • Fluid level switches

  • Heat exchangers

  • Isolation valves

  • Meters

  • Pressure switches

  • Pressure vessels

  • Process pipework

  • Relief valves

  • Safety valves

  • Shell and water tube boilers

  • Temperature switches.

The PED provides a comprehensive framework for businesses in the manufacturing and operation of pressure equipment. It’s structured into categories from SEP (sounds engineering practice) to IV based on the hazard level. Category I represents the lowest hazard level, whereas Category IV represents the highest.

While the PED’s primary purpose is to ensure safety, it goes beyond that. It aims to establish a harmonised legal structure across Europe. It enables the free movement of pressure equipment and removes the need for separate approval processes in each country. The directive helps to simplify the trading process and guarantee quality. 

What is a PED Assessment? 

Unsurprisingly, a PED assessment is the process of evaluating pressure equipment to ensure it meets the directive’s standards. The specific steps of a PED conformity assessment vary depending on the type and category of the equipment but usually include the following: 

  • Design review — Checking that the design of the equipment complies with PED requirements

  • Material inspection — Ensuring all materials used to manufacture the equipment are up to the directive’s standards.

  • Manufacturing process evaluation — Guaranteeing that the methods used to manufacture the pressure equipment follow the PED’s guidelines.

  • Testing and inspection — Performing tests and inspections to verify that the equipment functions correctly and safely.

  • Certification — If the pressure equipment meets all requirements, it can be certified as compliant with the PED. 

The assessment process is typically carried out by a “notified body”. These bodies are organisations that the EU authorises to carry out assessments. 

Why Are PED Assessments Important for Businesses with Steam Systems? 

The value of PED assessments cannot be overstated for businesses with steam systems. PED compliance acts as a robust safety mechanism across a range of industries. It minimises the risk of accidents, ensures the smooth operation of steam systems, and improves their reliability. 

But PED assessments are important for more than just safety:

Avoiding Legal and Financial Consequences

Compliance with the PED shields businesses from potential legal issues and financial penalties. Companies not adhering to the PED can incur unnecessary expenses and damage their financial health. In a time when businesses are constantly under scrutiny for operational practices, internationally recognised standards are crucial. Following the PED shows a business’s dedication to high operational standards. 

Enhancing Reputation and Competitiveness

PED compliance also enhances a company's reputation and competitiveness. Safety and sustainability are incredibly important across various industries, and PED compliance can be a significant competitive advantage. It assures everyone, from customers to stakeholders, that the company never compromises on safety or quality. 

Facilitating Trade within the European Market

One of the directive’s biggest advantages is its access to the European Market. The PED was originally set up to seamlessly allow businesses to trade across Europe. Businesses can expand significantly by complying with one EU directive rather than separate state regulations.

Tips for Ensuring PED Compliance

As you can see, compliance with the PED is vital for businesses with steam systems. But keeping up with legislation and directives can be tricky. Ensuring compliance can seem like an all-encompassing and daunting task. It requires a strategic approach and a lot of attention. 

The good news is that ensuring PED compliance can be straightforward. Here are some of the best ways to keep on top of it: 

Consulting with Experts and Experienced Professionals

This is a crucial step for ensuring compliance. PED experts have a complete understanding of the regulations and nuances of the directive. They’ll provide detailed information and guidance on your specific business operations. Before consulting with any experts, do your due diligence to ensure they have the qualifications and expertise to help you. 

Keeping Up-to-Date with Regulatory Changes

Keeping pace with regulatory changes is another critical aspect of compliance. Given the push towards net zero and the rapid pace of technology changes, staying up-to-date on new developments is crucial. Being proactive about staying informed of these changes is key. You can do this by: 

  • Consult with experts

  • Subscribing to relevant newsletters from high-authority sources

  • Using compliance software.

Staying in the loop with these changes will help your business adapt quickly and maintain compliance. 

Documenting and Maintaining Records

Finally, careful documentation and maintenance of records are vital for compliance. The records you keep of the design, manufacture and testing of equipment are proof of compliance during audits and inspections. You should do everything you can to maintain your records. Not only does it ensure compliance, but it also demonstrates your commitment to the PED. 

Take Your Steam System to the Next Level

The importance of the Pressure Equipment Directive goes beyond just regulatory obligations. They reflect your company’s commitment to safety and quality.

Our new Advance Consulting service offers end-to-end system optimisation and support. It can help you to:

  • Navigate PED compliance

  • Save money and energy

  • Improve safety and efficiency

  • Reach your sustainability goals 

Learn more about our Advance consulting services today and take the first step towards a better, greener steam system. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us, and we’ll do everything we can to help.